10 Things To Look For When Booking Childrens Birthday Parties

We all love a good birthday party and we want our kids to have the best time ever – so what should we be looking for when thinking about what to book for the big day?


Here’s our essential 10:

1. Ask your child what kind of party they want!

We know it’s an obvious one, but you’d be surprised at how many people don’t actually sit down with their child and look at various party ideas. 

Do they want the same birthday party that their friend had? 

Do they want their birthday party at home? 

Do they want to do something with a small groups of friends? 

Do they want to invite the whole class?

2. Look at budgets

Do you have a budget? 

Look at the costs of birthday parties if it’s just a small group of friends, or whether you will be inviting the whole class.

Don’t forget to ask if venue hire is included, party bags, food and cake as many companies ask you to provide that.


3. Search on the internet

A lot of the time, children do tend to know what they want and they’ve usually been to other birthday parties that they enjoyed and they want the same.

But if you don’t have a trusted recommendation, then it’s worth having a google to see what’s out there for you.  

Why not try NetMums too and also asking the question in parent or mums facebook groups – you usually get great recommendations that way too.

4. Check out their website

Again, very obvious, but do have a look around the websites of birthday party companies that you’ve found, or that have been recommended to you.

Do they look professional?

Do they tell you about their staff?

Are they qualified and experienced?

Are they all DBS checked?

Do they have public liability insurance?

Is it clear what their birthday party package is, what you will get and how much it costs?

Do they have testimonials on their website?

5. Get in touch with the company

Phone calls are always the best – it enables you to speak directly to the company, get a vibe for what they are like, you can ask lots of questions and find out if you think it’s right for your child’s birthday party.

6. Check them out on social media

Have a look at their facebook page, their twitter account, or instagram – are they active on there? 

Do you like their vibe? 


Are their customers talking about them on social media? 

Good feedback?

7. Check out their Terms and Conditions

What happens if your child is ill on the day of their birthday party?

What happens if your birthday party organisers are ill or stuck in traffic?

Read the small print and make sure you are happy with it and that the company has back up systems in place.

8. Book your birthday party

If you are happy with everything, book your birthday party and make sure you get sent a booking confirmation – detailing everything about the party, i.e. where it is, when, what it consists of, what you have been promised, and that your payment has been received.

9. Get in touch again nearer the date of your party

If the company do not get in touch with you again nearer the date of your party to confirm everything is ok, give them a call or an email just to double check everything – you don’t want to be left on the big day with no birthday party organiser due to miscommunication.

All good companies will get in touch with you to confirm everything again nearer your birthday party.

10. Give feedback

Most good companies will ask for feedback on birthday parties, to find out whether you, your child and their guests had a good time.

Good companies value honest feedback so it’s great to let them know what you enjoyed about it and also whether you have any concerns or tips on what could be improved upon to make it an even better birthday party.

11. Sit back and relax – you’ve partied! ;)