Dance Workshops

Dance workshops are brilliant for:
Getting your club/team/customers dancing
Getting active for an hour – or have a longer session
Seeing the people you least expected to get up and join in!
Teambuilding and Bonding
Learning fun dance routines to pop music that you love!
"I can't believe that you got everyone to have a go. People that we thought would not be interested at all in dancing were so enthused by it - I am stunned - thanks, Popdance!"
"The session went very well, Kimberley and Emma brought a fun and energetic energy to the club."
Dance workshops are, on average £75 per hour – but it depends where you are in the world – get in touch to discuss your requirements and get a local quotation
We’ve run dance sessions with:
Age Concern
Autistic Society
Special Olympics Dance Sessions
With Claire from Steps!
in Holiday Parks
in Schools
in Nurseries
Along the Thames in London
On stage at the Olympics
On stage at many Race For Life events
in company’s offices
on beaches
in clubs
but not yet on the moon ;) Soon!
"Louise was absolutely brilliant and got the best out of our mixed ability crowd (toddlers to 60 year olds). My friends were so excited to have someone from Strictly teach us! Louise put everyone at ease, was great with the kids, showed us simple moves and was such a lovely person. The booking process was brilliant - a thumbs up from us all round"

We’ve worked with many brownies, guides, club and scout groups to help them with their dance badges – get in touch to find out more
"The Croxley Green Unit of Rainbows absolutely loved the Popdance workshop. So much so that we invited Popdance back to run a session with our guides too!"