5 Things We Wish We’d Known Before We Started A Dance Business


11 years on and Popdance continues to grow, learn, expand, adapt, create and work with amazing dance teachers across the globe, but what are the 5 things we wish we’d known before we started?


wear branded clothingYou can’t do everything yourself!

As much as you would like to, especially if the financial pot is small, we all try to save money where we can – but believe you and me, you cannot do everything yourself and you are not fantastic at everything – outsource or delegate if you possibly can – it will definitely be worth it



Screen Shot 2016-02-25 at 19.32.37Listen to feedback

Don’t just carry on thinking that “you know best” and you have the absolute right package for everyone – listen to feedback, ask for feedback and adapt where appropriate – your clients’ views on what you offer are essential!



support for dance teachersCollaborate

Again, don’t try to do everything on your own – collaborate and work with other dance teachers in your area, or other businesses – put on an event together, or do a joint marketing venture together.  Other people “singing about your services” works a lot better than it always just coming from you!



tips on running a dance businessPlan

Riding by the seat of your pants is fun for some (me being one of them), but it makes a huge difference if you plan ahead – marketing included – our Popdance holiday camps sell out now due to planning, consistent marketing and consistent dates and times.



tips on running a dance businessTake time out

Running a business is hard work and as much as we love it and it’s our passion, we also do need to remember that we have family and friends too and they are extremely important. Don’t forget to take time out and enjoy valuable time with the ones you love (the business can cope without you for a while) ;)



We’d love to know what you think of these tips – give us a shout at [email protected]


If you would like to find out more about working with Popdance and our amazing team of dance teachers, email us at [email protected]


Happy Popdancing!