11 things you can do easily before New Years’ Eve to market your dance classes
Happy Boxing Day!
This is all totally achievable before New Years’ Eve – so pull on your pjs, grab a choccie from the tin (if there are any left) and see what you can achieve – simple!
Here’s to an amazing 2016!
1. Register your classes on Google places
2. Register your classes on netmums
3. Start or revisit your database of existing customers, lapsed customers, customers who never attended classes but enquired, and send them an email – be sure to include your branding, your contact details and information on where your classes are and the start back dates and also any New Year offers you are running – you can use Mailchimp to create fabulous looking emails – its quite easy and it’s FREE
4. Grab a calendar for 2016 and plan your year – what do you want to have achieved by June and then again by December – plan your route to get there
5. Feature the benefits of dancing on your website – feel free to use ours HERE or create your own – to show people they can get active, fit and happy at your dance classes
6. Look at your website as if you were a potential customer – does it look good? Does it get over the fantastic classes that you offer? Is it exciting? When was the last time you updated it?
7. Prepare a New Year Offer – perhaps a Recommend A Friend or introduce loyalty cards – what else could you offer new customers?
8. Write a press release! Go on – have a go – newspapers and family magazines will be looking for ways to get active in the New Year – go on, we dare you!
9. Read and learn – google “marketing for dance classes” and see what other tips people are giving away – it’s FREE and extremely useful! Sign up to receive our free weekly marketing tips if you haven’t already done so HERE
10. Take a look at Periscope – follow other people and see how they are using this new platform – check ours out HERE (we haven’t scoped for a while but plan to do more in the New Year)
11. Schedule your social media for the first week back, so you can focus on other things – Hootsuite is a great way to schedule for twitter and facebook
And don’t forget to spend time on you and your family too – take time to chill out and have some “me” time ;)
Wishing you a very happy 2016!
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