Before you tuck into that chocolate Easter Egg this weekend, have you ever sat and thought about how many unpaid hours you work?
People seem to think that dance classes just “happen” and I doubt many stop to think about how much work goes on behind the scenes.
From choreography, to travel time (do you spend hours in your car?), to lesson planning, to downloading music.
And that’s without the admin!
There is sooooooo much more that goes into dance than meets the eye.
So how about getting paid for some of it?
Have you ever looked into getting paid to choreograph?
How about planning your classes and events so that they are either in the same venue back to back, or within the same area on the same day? Common sense, we know, but even something as simple as asking a client if they can move their session to another day, can often work!
How about setting aside an admin session once a week, rather than doing a bit each day. Planning in blocks of work on the same subject are very productive. i.e. at the Popdance office we have set days for working on different things – Mondays are finance and systems, Tuesday parties, Wednesdays Schools, Thursdays our teachers, Fridays marketing and communications – obviously we have to fit other things into those days, but having a mindset on when you are working on a particular part of your business does make a huge difference.
Scheduling social media at the beginning of each day helps too – so often we get sucked into a timewarp when we get into social media – I am even thinking of downloading one of those apps that bans you from social media for a certain time – as I am one of those that gets very easily distracted! We’ve been recommended Stay Focusd for google chrome.
Right, you can tuck back into that choccie egg!
Have a fantastic Easter and enjoy the long weekend.
If you would like to find out more about working with Popdance, getting paid to choreograph, help with admin, help and support for your own dance business as well as additional revenue with Popdance – then get in touch at [email protected]
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