So what is the marketing mix?

You’ve probably heard of it.

Marketing is not doing just one thing.

They say you need to have “touched” someone 7 times before they are likely to “buy” from you.

So how does that work?


Think about how you purchase things – whether it be food, what restaurant you want to go to, what cinema you choose – it’s about the know, like and trust.


So how do brands build that know, like and trust?

From consistency

Appearing in your life in lots of different ways, whether that be ads on the tele, packaging on the supermarket shelves, billboards, radio, newspaper, social media, targeted marketing – the list is endless


So it’s the same for Popdance.

We can’t expect to post in one social media group and expect our classes, parties and events to be flooded!

It just doesn’t work that way.

“Hitting” potential customers in many different ways, and being consistent, on brand and with a key, caring and professional message is what’s working!


So are you using a good marketing mix?

How many things out of the following list are you doing for your Popdance business?

  • engaging with people in facebook groups
  • engaging with people on twitter
  • engaging with people on instagram
  • making good use of LinkedIn
  • posting on netmums
  • emailing friends and family to ask them to spread the word
  • capturing data of those interested in your Popdance offering
  • leaflet dropping
  • putting up posters
  • emailing potential Popdancers
  • contacting local schools
  • contacting local leisure centres
  • contacting local guides/brownies/cubs

The list is endless.

So how many “hits” are you “hitting”?


Make good use of the all the info on marketing in POP – and chat with us in the Dance Teacher Jobs and Support Facebook group – we are here to help.

If you are considering an Area Management role with us – get in touch [email protected]