The summer holidays are here and I know for parents/guardians it can be daunting trying to organise activities to keep the children entertained everyday but that’s where Popdance is here to help!
From Monday 27th July- Wednesday 29th July 2015 Popdance Summer Holiday Camp will be running at Biggleswade Recreation centre from10am-3pm. Each day will include new dances to learn, craft activities and sports games on the school playing field for all children to get involved in.
The children will have a chance to become a real Pop Star for the day and learn and create music videos to popular pop music.
Tuesday 28th July- STREET BEATZ!
All children will be able to learn new skills such as break dancing and body locking and put this into practise as they battle in a head to head competition to see which dance troop will make it to the top!
Wednesday 29th July- CIRCUS CRAZY!
From tight rope walking and hula hooping to ribbon dance, the dancers will learn a variety of circus skills which they can add to their dance work to create a mini Circus performance.