Dance Marketing Support

You know that you need to market your dance business in order to keep it successful, but do you always have the time for it?
With over 13 years of marketing experience in the dance industry, as well as 20 years of marketing, advertising and market research experience with the likes of Warner Bros & Saatchi & Saatchi – we can certainly help with that!
With the Marketing Support package you get:
A page on the Popdance website detailing everything you offer so that customers can find and book with you
Social Media – tag us and we will share your posts – it’s really that easy
Ready made Social Media images that you can use on your own channels – saving you the hassle of creating them
Tips and ideas straight into your inbox every month
Access to short and sweet videos to help you get more customers
Invitation to monthly online meet ups where you can chat with us and others in the industry for help and support