Meet The Team - Lindsey Collyer - Dance Parties in Stevenage
It’s time to welcome Lindsey, who is excited to run dance parties in Stevenage!
Lindsey’s ready to run children’s parties and classes, workshops and adult classes, so get in touch if you’re from Stevenage!

What’s your name and where are you in the world?
I’m Lindsey Collyer and I live in Stevenage, Hertfordshire!
What kind of dance to you currently offer?
I currently offer Cheerleading, Street Dance and Contemporary.
What got you into dance?
I just love dancing, I can’t keep still! I have a BA Honours Degree in Dance as well as being a Zumba and Cheerleading instructor.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I like to spend time with my husband and daughter, go for long walks and craft!
What do you love about the area you live and work in?
There’s so many venues to choose from!
Why did you want to work with Popdance?
Because they love dance as much as I do!