Meet The Teachers - Heather Whatley

All of our Popdance Teachers are qualified, experienced, friendly, fun and absolutely LOVE what they do.

Meet Heather, who’s currently based in Crouch End, London

What’s your name and where are you in the world?

Heather – London, England

What kind of dance do you currently offer? 

Dance fitness for all levels and ages to fun upbeat songs / songs that touch the soul – think wedding vibes, film songs and Taylor Swift :) 

What got you into dance? 

I have always loved dance – I grew up taking dance classes and just always loved to move / how it made me feel.

And I absolutely love weddings – how they create such an atmosphere of joy, love and positivity. I just wish I had more to go to.. :)

I taught zumba for a number of years, adding a bit of my own twist, and now I have completed the Active IQ Level Exercise to Movement and Dance Certification as well as the Keep FIt Association Level 3 Dance Laban FItness Certification. 

I want to teach to create a positive community for anyone (and any level) through movement. 

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Well, I love to move :) Run, long walks, yoga, dance, golf!

I also love travelling, photography, writing and learning a new language.

I love meeting new people from different cultures so London truly provides that incredible melting pot of people.

What do you love about the area you live and work in? 

I live in Crouch End, London – such a beautiful part of North London with incredible nature at your doorstep: Queens Wood, Highgate Wood, the Parkland Trail and tons of parks.

Quaint cafes and shops all around – a true villagey feel with Muswell Hill and Highgate just up the road.

I work in Covent Garden – one of my very favourite areas of central London particularly at Christmas time.

Why did you want to work with Popdance?

It’s right up my alley! :) I truly believe music can heal the soul – that is the exact case for me. Not only for my physical health but my mental health too – when I dance and listen to music that I love / brings back fond memories (nostalgia feeling), I am on such a natural high which positively affects every other area of my life. 

I wholeheartedly believe in the power of movement and music – I wanted to find and join a community that believes the same.