St Albans Businesses was set up to build a community of people working for and running businesses in St Albans – to support each other, share ideas, concerns and successes and help each other to run successful and profitable businesses.

Join the community by filling in the form above – we send out a monthly email written by St Albans Businesses – get in touch if you would like to get involved or submit anything to this – it’s totally and utterly FREE and is sent out to St Albans Businesses who have signed up to receive it.

Some of the sections we have in the email are:

5 questions we ask a St Albans Business (this is a great opportunity to showcase what you do and share your experiences of running a business)

Top Tips – share your top tips on your expertise with the group

Events – send us any events that are beneficial to the group

Did you know?  Any upcoming business-related news

Or anything else that will benefit everyone – you can also share special offers for St Albans Businesses members

or email [email protected] for more details


If you haven’t yet done so – join the community on facebook too HERE





Book to attend the “What Can St Albans Offer YOUR Business?” event HERE