November 2014 – Strike A Pose Prize
Funky new publishing house would like to help keep the scariness alive after Halloween and into the dark November nights by giving 5 of their most spooky and mysterious e-books away as prizes for the Strike A Pose for Alzheimer’s Campaign.
The e-books can be read on any device with the Kindle app which can be downloaded free from Amazon.
We’ve got 5 copies of Mortal End: A Simmering Pit of Jiggery Pokery by Toula Mavridou-Messer
This fantasy whodunnit is filled with mystery and humour, a tantalising sense of suspense and absurd darkness, which will capture your imagination in a way no other murder mystery ever has.
Even Halloween aficionado Jonathan Ross downloaded a copy live on Twitter days after it’s publication.
Simply Strike “A” Pose – upload your photo to twitter or facebook using #strikeapose
Donate £3 to Alzhiemer’s Society by testing DMYS99 £3 to 70070
Click here to enter the competition to win a copy of Mortal End
Pocketfulof Poesies is unlike any publication you have ever previously read. It’s a pick of perfetly plangent dark tales. An astonishing array of very short stories that take you to a completely new level with absolutely EVERY word beginning with the same letter!
Both books are also available to buy now from Amazon: Mortal End and Pocketful of Poesies
Simply Strike “A” Pose – upload your photo to twitter or facebook using #strikeapose
Donate £3 to Alzhiemer’s Society by testing DMYS99 £3 to 70070
Click here to enter the competition to win a copy of Pocketful of Poesies