5 Simple Things That Will Save You Mega Time In your Dance Business
We all know that life is pretty mental! Many dance teachers are running here, there and everywhere teaching, running parties, workshops, juggling family and life in general ;)
It’s doesn’t have to be chaotic!
Even if you are as disorganised and messy as me!! ;)
Check out these 5 simple things that will save you mega time in your dance business:
Plan your social media posts
Spend half an hour to an hour every Monday morning scheduling your tweets and facebook posts. Using free platforms such as hootsuite, you can plan your week to ensure that you are communicating even when you are teaching.
Then, just simply duck in and out during your lunch break, or when you are walking the dog, to engage and interact with people.
Don’t forget to make your posts “social” and not “salesy” – bit of personality (lovely day whilst out walking my dog), and what you are up to (I’m planning our half term camp – definitely using Justin Timberlakes’ new track), to letting people know the benefits of what you offer (Working mum? Our Popdance School Holiday camps cover the school day, making it perfect for working mums) and add a shortened link to the webpage for more info.
Spending time on Monday morning then enables you to have more time for other things in the week, like a bit of “me” time! Obviously it doesn’t have to be a Monday morning – pick a date and time that suits you.
Set dates for specific things
This tip from a fab pal of mine really did change the way I work – I know I sound dramatic ;) – but it did!
Getting your head in to different modes and doing lots of different things isn’t as productive as concentrating on one thing well.
For instance, we have set days for different things – such as concentrating on parties on Wednesdays, schools on Thursdays, Teachers on Tuesdays, website and marketing on Fridays and finance on Mondays.
If you are out teaching constantly, perhaps set one night a week for your invoicing and finances, another section of your week for marketing and another for planning ahead.
Make sure you include some “me” time in there too! ;)
Centralise your admin and image library
I don’t know how many times I’ve spent ages looking for a document that I know I’ve written, or a photograph that I want to include in a blog or PR article!
Centralising our documents and images, not only saves me mega time hunting for things, but also enables the team to access them too. So, if you have a team and you want them to have access on certain things, you can simply share specific documents and images – we use google docs and drop box which are both free!
Set aside a “creative writing” day!
Perhaps once a month, or bi-monthly – take yourself out to a coffee shop or a different environment, and treat yourself to a coffee (and a cake ;), and get writing! Things such as your tweets, facebook posts, blogs, content for your website – think about all the benefits your business offers your clients – why should people come and dance with you – what is it going to give them, or do for them.
This will give you tons of content to share when you schedule your social media on Mondays (or whenever you do it), and content for your website (which is fab for google), and fresh, beneficial reasons why your dance business is the place to be.
Take The Day Off!
Yep, really! Take the day off! You deserve it! You don’t have to work 24 hours a day! It IS ok to take the day off! That’s why we work for ourselves right?
If Ferris Bueller can do it, so can we right? (if you were born post 1987 then do check out this amazing film) ;)
And, it sounds strange, but it will save you MEGA time in your dance business. I was writing content for the Popdance website and what I wrote wasn’t very enthralling – now I could have spent the rest of the day working on it, but, I bunked off and came back to the text the next day. The content then just flowed! It’s all about frame of mind, and sometimes when you are tired, or you’ve been looking at the same thing for a long time, it’s just not happening. So refresh, take time out and come back to it – it will save you time in the long run!
We’d love your feedback on these tips – did you find them useful? Do you have any time saving tips to add or share with us? Do join us in the facebook group – Dance Teachers World and join in the conversations
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If you are interested in working with Popdance and finding out more about how we work with amazing dance teachers worldwide and help them to run successful and profitable dance classes, parties and events, then take a look here
Or simply ping us an email – [email protected] – we’d love to hear from you
Have a fantastic week
Sue and The Popdance Team