One of the most important things you can do for your dance business
We all have dreams! Most people don’t reach for them! But you have!
Running a dance business, whether it’s just one class a week, a dance school, or working with dance teachers across the globe, is never a simple task!
You create a fantastic class
You get your branding right
You create a website
You get active on social media
You work hard to make your dance business the best it can possibly be
But are you missing a trick?
Are you letting potential customers slip through your fingers?
Are people visiting your website and just leaving?
Are people chatting with you on social media and you have no other way of contacting them?
Are people seeing your gorgeous branding and leaflets and then just walking away?
So what can you do to ensure you don’t miss out on the attention that your marketing is getting.
Something as simple as a button on your website inviting customers to get your offers
Or to get a free dance class when they register their details with you
Or to find out more about how dance is amazing for both body and mind
It’s not about “sign up for our newsletter” – but gaining something amazing in return for giving you their invaluable email address
What are you willing to “give away” in return for that?
What benefit or value can you offer potential and existing clients?
DATA CAPTURE is invaluable to your business
When you have an event, or new classes, or new terms – who are you going to tell?
Of course, you will still publicise via your marketing mix, but what better way than to get this information in front of people who are already interested in what you do??
Building a database of interested, warm leads makes a massive difference – and staying in front of these warm leads with interesting, valuable and tailored offers and information will lead to more customers.
DATA is key!
There are many free platforms you can use such as mailchimp and constant contact and they are simple to use – take a look and get started if you haven’t yet done so.
Meanwhile, if you would like more FREE marketing tips for dance teachers and you haven’t yet signed up for them to land in your inbox at 10am every Saturday morning, then you can do so here
If you would like to find out more about working with Popdance, take a look here
Have a fantastic week
Sue and The Popdance Team