There are so many ways to keep your customers. Think about how you shop, where you buy from, why do you shop and buy there?
Here’s our top tips on what we know helps with customer retention:
• Friendly and approachable staff
People buy from people at the end of the day. If you are made to feel like a special and valued customer, you are more likely to shop there again. Building a relationship and showing you care makes a massive difference.
• Easy to buy
How easy is it to buy from you? Is it at the touch of a button? Or do you still require the old cheque book and pen? Make it as easy as possible for your customers to see what you offer and simple for them to buy.
• Value your customers
Do your customers get any special rates for being loyal customers? Or do you only have offers for “new” customers? We’ve never understood that one – surely your loyal customers need valuing too?!
• Reward cards
They have them for coffee, milkshakes and supermarkets, why not for your dance and fitness classes – buy 5 and get one free? Or free Popdance T-shirt when you attend your 10th class – this works really well as it makes your customer feel valued, part of the team and free publicity for your classes ;)
• Regular Communication
Keeping in regular contact, making customers feel part of the team, letting them know what’s coming up and involving them all help towards building a great relationship.
• Value their Feedback
Ask your customers what they think. What do they think you could improve upon? What would they like to see in class next term?
• Recommend A Friend
Why not reward your customer if they “recommend a friend” to your classes.
• Guest Blog
Ask your customers to guest blog on your website – it’s great for SEO (search engine optimisation) and is fresh content for your site, written by a customer – that’s great for your classes, parties and events – a fresh point of view and the viewpoint of an actual customer!
• Case Study
Feature your customers in case studies – why did they start dancing with you? How has it improved things for them? Why would they recommend it? All great stuff for you to share on your website, in newsletters, social media and pr!
• Start a facebook group
Get a facebook going for your class – your customers can then talk to each other in that group, talk to you and share ideas etc. This helps the class to bond as well as for you to form stronger relationships with them. We now go out on socials with our class – we call it Pubdance ;)
• Send a Thank You Card
Something as simple as a postcard in the post saying “Thank you for Popdancing with us” – and a hand written note, goes a long long way (and doesn’t have to cost a fortune) – Paperchase have lots of lovely postcards you can use – and at the moment they have some about dance ;)
• Take an interest in your customers
When was the last time you took at look at who your most loyal customers are?
We would love to know your thoughts on customer retention – feel free to email us at [email protected] and let us know
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If you would like to find out more about working with Popdance – take a look HERE