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A look back at 2014

Wow!  An amazing year!

Sometimes you are so busy caught up in running your business that you don’t look up and actually see what’s been achieved.

That’s why it’s good to take a bit of time out – perhaps go and work in a different environment, and reflect on the year and what worked and what didn’t.  Planning for the New Year ahead.

So, not blowing our own trumpets, but we do like to share with our customers and team on what we have all achieved together as that’s exactly it – teamwork!  We cannot achieve anything without you all and you are all an integral part of what we do :)

So – a MASSIVE thank you – look what we did together this year!

2014 saw:

The Launch of Two Brand New Websites

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POP (Popdance Online Programme)
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Popdance Main Website

We worked hard to produce easy to use, simple navigation, quick to find what you want, websites.  Working particularly hard on the SEO for the main Popdance website ensuring that customers and teachers can find us and all the classes, parties and events that our team offer.

POP (Popdance Online Programme) – the Popdance Teacher website, has had a total facelift and is fully functional with all the downloads, videos and support for our team.

More Dance Teachers joining the Popdance Team

dance classes in the USA
  Popdance launched in Oregon, USA


 Lots more in the UK

Dance classes in Azerbaijan

 and even in Azerbaijan

Lots of fun with Arlene Phillips

Screen Shot 2014-11-06 at 20.08.50We are working with Arlene Phillips to “Strike A Pose” for Alzheimer’s Society and you can see our “DanceMyStreet” video with Arlene HERE

Look out for more fun in 2015 all in aid of Alzheimer’s Society!

More Publicity

Popdance made the papers and the magazines many times in 2014 – from Woman, Zest, Prima, Metro – take a look HERE


More parties, hen parties, workshops and events

Dance parties for children

Thanks to our fab new website, more customers are finding us – yay!  Leading to more parties, hen parties, workshops and events across the country and globe!  We do love a good party!

Amazing people to work with

jobs for dance teachers

More staff at Popdance HQ

So that our Customer Service remains at the excellent standard that we set for ourselves.  We want our customers and team to have the best experience with Popdance – that’s what it’s all about – well, that and the Hokey Cokey ;)


Introduction of a new online booking system

Making it even easier to book your classes, parties and events with us – as well as to treat yourself to some fab Popdance merchandise in the POPShop

The PopShop

Preparation of launch of Popdance Fit

2015 will see the launch of our new Popdance Fit classes!

get fit dance classesBased on Popdance – Popdance Fit will be a faster dance workout class – for those that want to get a bit of a sweat on! Aimed at adults – it’s a chance to get fit, dance off those mince pies and have fun to classic 80s and 90s tracks as well as current favourites.

Our training is currently being endorsed by Skills Active and will be open to dance, fitness instructors and leisure centres in the New Year – watch this space! :)

And these are some of the reasons why we do it!

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We have had an amazing year but couldn’t do it without you

Massive, massive thanks to all the team, our customers, our colleagues, our social media pals and our families.

Your support and encouragement means the world to us and we appreciate all that you do.

We value all feedback so do let us know what you think – we love to hear from you.

Here’s to an amazing 2015!

Merry Christmas!


By |December 17th, 2014|Blog|0 Comments

12.5 Reasons To Dance

Not that we need reasons to dance

– but here are 12.5 fantastic ones!

1. Happiness – this is the best reason to dance ever!  We all want to be happy right? Well dancing is proven to make us happy – the endorphin levels create a positivity within us! Yay!

2. Be healthy!  Dancing burns calories and increases our stamina – yes please!

3. Dancing keeps us young!!!  Wow!  It slows the aging process! Can you believe that!  Don’t mind a bit of that!

4. Look better!  Just pass the legwarmers now – let’s dance! Dance makes us look better as it improves our posture.

5. It’s a brain workout! Stimulation for our brains – allowing us to switch off from the norm and concentrate purely on fabulous dance steps.

6. Makes us stronger! Improves our joints and gives us great flexibility! Reminds us of Stretch Armstrong!

7. Stress free!  Be whoever you want to be! Be Kylie, be MJ, be Robbie, leave your worries at the door and just dance!

8. It’s sociable! Meet new people, dance together in a relaxed and friendly environment – we always like a friend!

9. Learning! We never stop learning! And what better to learn than the steps to MJ’s Thriller – great fun!

10. Me time – take time out for you! No phones, no distractions, just pure quality fun time – for you!

11. Tones you up! Forget bingo wings and thunder thighs – dancing tones it all up making you feel fantastic.

12. Dance gives us fun, laughter, exercise, youth, creativity, friendship, excitement, passion, time, fitness and a lust for life!

12 and a half.  We love the music too! ;)



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By |December 17th, 2014|Blog|0 Comments

10 Things About Dance That Make Us Smile

10 things about dance that make us smile

10 Things About Dance That Make Us Smile!

1. Number 1 has to be the music when Wham’€™s Wake Me Up Before You Go Go comes on – you’€™ve just gotta dance to it

2. The fact that dance will never date, be boring or run out of moves!

3. The fact that everyone can dance! Even if they say they have two left feet – everyone has their own way of dancing.

4. It’s fun – it makes me happy and makes me feel good.

5. The fact I’ve made so many new friends through dance – it’€™s a very sociable experience.

6. Being in a dance studio – I just want to run across the sprung floor and do a “fame leap”€ mid air (but I don’€™t) ;)

7. It’s me time! Forget the phone, the kids tea and work – it’™s just about me, the music and dancing!

8. The fact that dancing is good for me – being active, exercising and it’s such a fun way to do it.

9. Re-living my youth – dancing to tracks from the 80s, 90s and 00s – blasts from the past put a big smile on my face

10. I just love to dance – even though I am not a “dancer”€ – I feel like I am!

11. Snuck an 11th in here -€“ try a little dance move now – classics that spring to mind are “Gangnam Style”€, Tiffany’s I Think We’re Alone Now, or how about a moonwalk -€“ go on – I know you are contemplating it! ;)

Get yourself down to your nearest Popdance class HERE or if there isn’t one in your area, give us a shout at so we can look into launching one for you

What makes you smile about dance?

By |December 12th, 2014|Blog|0 Comments

Dance Your Troubles Away

Dance your troubles awayDance can be a fantastic stress buster. Recent studies have shown it to be effective in improving conditions such as insomnia, brain function and tiredness, which often lead to stress and worry.

As a method of exercise, its a fun, energizing and effective way to reduce anxiety and stress. The endorphins released during exercise make you feel good mentally and exercising and stretching muscles relieves the tension in your body physically, meaning overall your body can feel de-stressed.

Dancing to a fast, upbeat rhythm can be a great way to release stress actively, dancing out any aggression or emotion. Equally dancing to a slower, lyrical piece of music can help you feel calm and relaxed, helping with anxiety. The music used during a dance class is of great importance as it can allow you to lose yourself, removing your thoughts from whatever’s going on in your life. There are no restraints and therefore you are giving your body and mind freedom.

Most importantly dance is for everyone, no matter what your age or ability. Whether you want to dance for fun or for exercise, it can make you feel good and forget about normal life. It can be just an hour to yourself to feel like your a child again or it can be several sessions a week to improve your fitness, either way dancing can help your life become less stressed.

Written by Lianne Cloot-Holt – Popdance Creative Director

By |November 7th, 2014|Blog|0 Comments

Birthday Parties

Birthday Parties – Our Top Tips

Dance parties for childrenWe all want our children to have a great time at their birthday parties – and hey, at the end of the day that’s what it’s all about – so we’ve put together our top tips on what to look out for when choosing what to go for:


1. What is your child interested in?

It’s their birthday party at the end of the day so there’s no point trying to get them to do something that YOU want them to do. What are they interested in?  What do they like to do?  Focus on that and come up with some options that fit within your budget.


2. It doesn’t have to be what everyone else is doing

Birthday parties are not all about outdoing your pals ;)  They are about making your child feel special on their birthday.  So whether that’s good old fashioned jelly and ice cream, or pulling your wellies on and going for a muddy hike, a birthday party can be anything you want it to be.


3. Ask for help ;)

It’s pretty tricky to run a party on your own so do make sure you have some helping hands.  Lighting the candles on a cake, whilst cleaning up split drinks can be a tricky one, so make sure you have some extra hands ;)


4. Where to have your party

Fancy a party at home – or prefer to take the party out of the house?  There are tons of birthday party providers and entertainers available.  We are pretty spoilt for choice.  From archery, to lasers, cupcake making, teddy bear creating, dance, farms, swimming, the list is endless – so get your fingers ready for lots of googling ;)


5. What to look for

If you are booking a company to provide your party for you, make sure they confirm everything you have agreed in writing.  It’s also a good idea to look at their website to see the kind of thing they do and to ensure it looks professional.  You can also ask to see a copy of the entertainer’s CRB/DBS.  Ask what is included in the package and whether there are any additional add ons available should you choose to have them.  Invitations usually come as part of the initial package.

Check if the company is providing the food and cake (if applicable) – AND whether you need to provide the candles ;)  It’s not quite the same with a lighter stuck in the top of the cake ;)


6. Double check

Most companies will email out nearer the birthday party date to confirm everything again – it’s always worth double checking with the company if you do not hear from them – nobody likes a date or time mix up at a party!


7.  Party party

All that’s left to do now is to grab your camera (or phone), grab a bin liner to put the pressies in and enjoy your party!



Popdance run birthday parties across the globe – from our first birthday parties in St Albans, Hertfordshire, through to parties in Azerbaijan, Greece and Oregon, USA, we love to party across the world ;)

Find out more about our birthday parties HERE

By |November 6th, 2014|Blog|0 Comments


West Ewell

at Epsom & Ewell High School, Ruxley Lane, West Ewell, Surrey, KT19 9JW

Dance classes for all pupils aged 11-18 of not only Epsom & Ewell High School, but also surrounding secondary schools

Mondays – 3.10-4.10pm

FREE to attend – book your FREE place HERE

By |October 13th, 2014|Blog|0 Comments